Thursday, May 29, 2014


Happy Memorial Day!! This week was AMAZING!!  We had exchanges on Wednesday, so our sister training leaders, sister Bradshaw and Sister Jensen came to our area. I spent the day with Sister Jensen, who is AWESOME.  I learned so much from her.  That night, we taught two non members the restoration and gained a new investigator!  His name is Greg and he's 19 years old. We're going to teach him again tonight, actually.  He said he is definitely interested after we taught the restoration to him, and that was such a surprise because I'm so used to people refusing!!

Something I learned this week from the book the Power of Everyday Missionaries is that you are a successful missionary as long as you INVITE. Even if nobody accepts, at least I let them use their agency to either accept or refuse.  So invite EVERYONE!! That's my goal... Anyone I see, I will invite them to learn more about this amazing gospel.  It's a bit hard for me sometimes to talk to people I don't know, but it's a skill I am working on.

We went tracting a bit (we rarely do because Sister F doesn't find it effective, and in a lot of instances it's not) but on it was! We found a lady who works at the library we often go to for wifi who recognized us.  She allowed us to teach her the Restoration and we're going to teach her again on Tuesday.  So BAM, I've taught a not only one non member for the first time this week, but THREE!!  Speaking of the library, we met a lady there who had a TON of questions for us about a lot of different religions.  She thought we were nuns (we get that a lot) but anyways, she is very eccentric and kinda crazy.  She told us we were so cute, we look like little chickens.  I don't know if that is a compliment or not.

Sister F's birthday was yesterday so we visited with a lot of ward members who had us over and that was so fun! We have an awesome ward.  

Yesterday we were doing a bit of tracting again as well and we stopped at this one house.  A young man probably in his late twenties answered and was excited! He said "wow I didn't know there was an LDS church around here!" We were surprised that he said LDS instead of Mormons.  Apparently all his friends from dental school are LDS and he likes the church.  He has been to church and taken some discussions and loves the social part of our church and the core values.  Unfortunately he is some catholic religion called MARYNITE or 
something like that... I dunno how it would be spelled. But it's the kind of church where if you leave you die or some middle eastern type thing like that and he's very involved in their church. But he said if we need ANY help with ANYTHING to let him know. He is seriously so nice it's crazy.  I'm sure we could practice teaching him and he'd be fine with it.  He also said we could invite him and his two kids to primary activities or things like that, and he also gave us two referrals that we'll try and contact tomorrow.

So yes, this week was AWESOME!!  I love you and hope you have a great week!!!

Sister Larsen

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