Monday, August 4, 2014

Divine Intervention - 8-4-14

This was a good week!! We had zone training and I did a musical number with Sister Baugh and Sister Stephenson and Sister Andrus played the piano. After that they asked us to do another one at zone conference so we'll be doing that this Wednesday.

We have become good friends with our neighbors, who are AWESOME! Their names are Lisa and Sam. I met Sam when I was backing Sister Andrus out of our driveway and he told me that their dog had puppies and we could come over and see them sometime... He said if we are ever having a bad day, to come see puppies because "I guarantee puppies will cheer ya up in a heartbeat!" Amen to that!! We've visited them like twice and they are so nice and AWESOME!! We talk to them for a long time... They've asked us a lot about missions and stuff. They said if we ever need help with anything to not hesitate to ask them... So yeah they are super great! And, we asked them last time we talked to them if they could do us a favor. We said that we don't have any investigators therefore we have
no one to teach. We asked if we could come and practice teaching them.  They said YES! They are Catholic but are willing to let us practice on them and we're doing that tonight!!!!

Yesterday we stopped by a family that we've talked to a couple times... The Dad I've talked to a couple of times and he is always nice and says we can come back. The Mom I have met once and she wasn't very nice to us... We asked her if we could come back and she said "I don't know!" In a really frustrated tone. But she was nice to us yesterday... We talked to her for awhile! Then she said she had to go make dinner and so we said goodbye. As we were walking to our car her husband came up on his bike with his son. He said hi to us and said "did you convert em yet?" We said no. He said, "I'll go in and talk to my wife and see how you did." Haha it totally sounded like he is a member. But he's not.

Also, Thursday night Bishop called us and felt that we needed to go on an emergency visit to an inactive family that isn't in our area... They live in our district leader's area. Bishop and a member were going to go visit them, but Bishop said he got a strong prompting that he shouldn't go. Then he felt that Sister Andrus and I needed to go. So we went with a member named Bob, who is their home teacher. We talked to them about family and read part of the family a proclamation. They have a 15 year old daughter who is spiritual and tries to get her family to pray together but they just think she's weird. Anyways, she's been attending a Baptist church for the last couple months. She said she had more questions answered in the time we taught them than she had answered in months of attending the Baptist college. I have no idea what questions we answered but it was cool, and I know she was the reason we needed to go that night. We are going to continue to try and bring her back to the church.

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